Guadalupe Ridge Trail testing
“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”
~L.M. Montgomery
October, October, October, what a fun month! It's cooling off, Halloween is coming (one of the best holidays in our opinion), and we've added another option in the shop. Dyneema fabric makes an appearance for our zipper pouches in an even lighter weight option for your trail toiletries, electronics, pencil pouch for school kids, or whatever you want to use them for really.
Speaking of new gear options, we are heading back out on trail to test out some gear again, totally stoked for that.

Guadalupe Ridge Trail
Ground zero for our new round of gear testing is the Guadalupe Ridge Trail (GRT) this month. We are heading out to thru-hike the ~70 mile main trail and put some gear designs through some ultimate desert mountain beatings. The GRT has an additional +30 mile loop through Sitting Bull falls and Last Chance Canyon we're going to have to miss out on this time, but we get to nish the trail at the highest point in Texas on Guadalupe Peak at 8,751 ft. Short for some from the more mountainous states, but still an interesting place none-the-less. The main trail, running from White's City, NM to Guadalupe Peak takes you through varied terrain from Chihuahuan desert floor up to Pine Forests on the slopes of the Guads with plenty of elevation changes up and down along the way. Be sure to follow our Instagram for story updates and cool images coming from the trail when we can post, cell service is pretty spotty in this remote backcountry area.
Other Features
Launching soon. . .
Our brand page and back story should be launching this upcoming month at GGG, we are very excited for this event. We really appreciate the support the team at GGG has shown.
New Gear
We have expanded our option for zipper pouches into dyneema fabrics. Made from 1.43 oz/yd weight dyneema makes for a lightweight yet durable piece of gear and peace of mind. hit the button below to pick one up for yourself.
What we've been reading recently
As always every month, check out some articles we've been reading that we found interesting.